
Thursday, September 6, 2012

Volcano of Emotions :: Finding Positivity & Inspiration

I feel like I've really been struggling lately with being productive. I'm constantly working on something but when I sit back and actually think about what I'm accomplishing or how I'm growing my business or improving my skills I doubt my activity.

"Do not mistake activity for productivity."

I feel frustrated that I am not surrounded by women to photograph and that I do not have a studio space to work in right now. I disappoint myself when I don't take bold steps to ask women or find them. I suppose that comes down to being afraid of embarrassing myself and having to step out of my comfort zone — it really is quite comfy in here.

"The obstacles are the filter that will weed out everyone who doesn't want it as much as I do."

Sue Bryce is currently running a photography competition and I'm going to enter it. She's offering amazing prizes and there's absolutely no reason in the world for me to not send something in. But what do I send? I suddenly see flaws all over my work and the image I loved yesterday starts to fall a little flat before my eyes today. Then I kick myself again for not taking initiative to find a new bunch woman to photograph today and tomorrow.

"At the end of the day, just do something. Action trumps stagnation every time!"*

I've been learning all these great new business strategies, pricing structures, sales techniques and photography techniques. All I feel like doing at the moment is lying in bed all morning (jetlag) and Photoshoping images all afternoon (creative addiction). One moment I'll think....OMG I have soo much to do. The next minute I think...I guess it's not that much or that urgent. I'll just procrastinate that for a while.

"Even if you're on the right track, if you're not moving, you'll get run over."

To-do lists help but I would really love to be in my own desk/studio space so I felt more organised. I feel like I'm in a big waiting room of life. I've felt this way before and I remember that back then I reminded myself that every moment is real life and it only happens once. I mustn't wish away my precious limited time. One day I'll want it back. I need to find a way to find the positive & turn this sluggish "waiting room" into an invigorating period of my life. Stop focusing on all of the external factors that are 'slowing me down.' Start focusing on my goals and visions and burst through those external obstacles — they'll become so out-of-focus I won't even see them.

"Don't tell me about what you don't have. Tell me about what you do have. Have an Attitude of Gratitude. The more you give, the more you get."*

*Paraphrased quotes from Sue Bryce's creativeLIVE workshop: Inside the Glamour Studio


  1. Chamonix, what an inspiring post. I think the post in itself proves that this frustrating "waiting period" is challenging you to learn more about yourself, grow as a businesswoman, and understand what you need to be happy and successful. The fact that you are using this time to concretize all of those things in your mind (and then articulate them in your blog!) speaks volumes to your passion, commitment, and, lets face it, general awesome-ness as a human being. So hooray to you for not wallowing! And thank you for reminding me of a few important life lessons along the way.

    Love Sophie D.

  2. Thank you for your lovely comment Sophie :D I was nervous about sharing this post but I'm very happy to see that it was worth it :)


You are awesome!