
Saturday, August 10, 2013

Thank You to My Readers Who Are Strangers!

When I write here on my blog, I'm think of my grandma who will read my post first thing in the morning. I think of Miggy and Cheryl who have me in their feeds and my dad who will check in every couple weeks. I have hundreds of pageviews each day so I know there are other people out there reading this but I usually just tell myself its all my friends and high school acquaintances stalking me on Facebook. It's hard to believe that some of you reading this are strangers...technically, although if you read this regularly then you know pretty much everything about me so we can throw that 'stranger' stuff out the window. 
I follow some blogs and feel like I'm best friends with those people who have no idea I exist. What a strange world we're living in with one-sided relationships buzzing through the atmosphere. But every now and again I get a comment, message or email from one of you 'strangers' out there that makes me realize (and it kind of blows my mind) that for once, I'm on the other side of the table — known by strangers around the world. It's crazy but I like it. I use my blog like a personal diary most of the time and the fact that it somehow becomes entertainment and inspiration for other people is FULLY AWESOME. I love hearing from you. Thank you so much for reaching out to me - it means we can start enjoying two-way relationships :D

Thank you so much Lindsey for your email! :)

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