
Monday, July 1, 2013

Creativity Comes from a Conflict of Ideas

Last week I published the final collage from my Norman Rockwell inspired glamour shoot. Today, I want to highlight my 3 favorite individual pictures from this shoot so you can see them in BIG detail!! When editing these images my goal was to create a painterly effect. I increased the highlights, added grain and adjusted the colors to match Rockwell's paint palette. I finished with the "Oil Paint" filter in Photoshop CS6 which is really the cherry on the cake. 

I suggested we combine Norman Rockwell + Glamour photography. Everyone kept asking me how these two concepts could be combined... they seemed so different. I wondered if I could pull it off. I think we did it and I'm really proud of these portraits. Every woman on the team was so enthusiastic and willing to 'go there' with me. Thank you ladies! We came up with the whole game-plan on the spot early one morning in springtime, just hours before we started shooting. My major take-home lesson from this project is summed up nicely by the lovely Donatella Versace:

"Creativity comes from a conflict of ideas."

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