
Thursday, February 23, 2012

{Proposal} Daniel & Christine!

So about a month ago I was browsing on the University of St. Andrews Photography Societies website and I stumbled across a little gem. A lovely gentleman named Daniel just so happened to be looking for a photographer to capture his proposal to his girlfriend Christine. Super excited by the possibility, I checked my calendar and offered my services and..voila! Here we are....
Daniel and Christine met while they were both studying at St. Andrews on their year abroad. That was two years ago. She's still studying in St. Andrews but he's been living back on the East Coast of in America which is why it was such an amazing surprise when he showed up in St. Andrews last Sunday! She hadn't been expecting to see him so she was already feeling super happy and then a couple days into his visit he made her ever more happy than she could have possibility anticipated! :D
Daniel had it all planned out. It was their 2 year anniversary. He took Christine out to lunch at the restaurant where they ate on their first date. Then down to the golf course for a little stroll. It was a Sunday of course so the golf course was open to the public — people walking everywhere! I was hiding behind a massive JCB hoping I didn't look too suspicious and pretending to be fiddling with something on my iPhone (camera just chillin' by my side). :P I knew he was going to ask her on the Swilken Bridge where they had their first kiss.

Finally, I spotted them (1pm- right on time) and I was pretty sure it was them because he kept hovering nearby the bridge and giving her sweet kisses :) lol Eventually all the tourists had cleared away from the bridge and it was open — he spotted his chance and started walking toward the little stone monument and my stomach was getting tighter and tighter. I felt like the butterflies had exploded in all directions. (I was actually feeling a little sick lol). My brain was going crazy — what if I miss the moment?! What if my camera stalls? What if he faces the wrong way I can't see their faces?!

One by one, couples were walking over the Swilken Bridge (it's a super famous bridge in the golfing world lol and it's only just tiny and cute!) I'd never met Daniel or Christine so I had no idea who I was looking for. I knew she was blonde but when that's all you've got to go off of, you suddenly realise how many blonde girls around walking around this world! lol

I saw him go down on one knee — my finger was snapping away furiously, hopping to catch something special and usable hehe. It was so exciting! A couple walked by me and saw what was happening and they wolf-whistled - big smiles all around :D Once she's said 'yes' and Daniel had the chance to stand up :P I slowly crept my way closer giving them a private moment. 
Christine was so surprised when she found out there was a photographer capturing the whole thing :) I felt so happy I could be there for them and at the same time I didn't want to intrude on their special moment so I tried to work as quickly as possible. I told them to walk around a bit and hug and smooch :) and just stand there looking at each other. All the classics lol but it was soooo easy to photograph a couple like these two. They were so happy (obviously) that I didn't have to say a word to them to make them smile or relax. They just wanted to look at each other and smile — made my life soo easy and fun! hehe
I left them to enjoy the rest of their day and have fun Skyping Daniel's parents who were so excited to hear how it went (they were the only people that knew the proposal was coming). The whole walk home I felt that amazing rush of adrenaline mixed with pure joy (I know I sound cheesy but that's totally what it feels like!) Just buzzing around, floating home a cloud, slightly shaky but massive smiles from ear to ear!
I feel sooo  honoured that I was able to be a part of such an insanely special moment in Daniel & Christine's lives. I'll never forget it. I can't wait to see how their weddding plans develop and I'm so excited to get to know them better!
Congratulations Daniel & Christine! 
I'm so excited for you guys!

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You are awesome!