
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Dancing Around the House at Midnight

For the next three weeks it's just me, a farm full of animals, a very loud radio with Coffee House Music, a kitchen full of green smoothies, no consequences for leaving my clothes on the dining room table or hanging bath towels on railings & freedom to dance around the house naked at midnight.

My brother (Ian) is at university. My parents are on holiday in Europe. My husband (Miggy) is STILL in Scotland waiting for his green-card (finges crossed he'll be here in July). But grandma literally lives through the woods and over the bridge so we'll hang out a lot this month.

Miggy is headed down to London today for his interview with the embassy. I'm so curious to hear questions they ask him. I can hardly believe we're been apart for almost 9 months! Crazy. We've both adjusted to living life on our own and I can't wait to see if it feels funny when he gets here and I can hold someone else's hand in public or hug him at a party. I've gotten so used to walking around in my own little bubble that nobody breaks - keep your hands to yourself and all that jazz. Anyway, I'm so excited for him to arrive to a sunny summer day in Seattle and join me in this new chapter of our lives. Plus, I'm just fascinated to see what he ends up doing with him time — he graduated from St. Andrews last year with a degree in Philosophy & Theological Studies. What's he going to get up to? No intrigued.

30 Days with Chamonix - Day 15 :: Rambling on about my studio reflectors. :P

As you know, I'm a total flunky when it comes to my "30 Days with Chamonix" video project. The goal was a video everyday. It's turned into a video every other week. lol Thanks for putting up with me. I'm thinking I'm just going to keep video diares forever and ever, embrace the fact that I have lost track of the days but keep calling it "30 Days with Chamonix" (as an inside joke with myself). ha! Enjoy lol!

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You are awesome!